Unlock RETA Lifetime
for a one-time-only
fee of Just $749…

Pay once and then never pay again for unlimited lifetime access to every RETA members-only benefit. Plus, get a suite of exclusive perks including…

  • The Gathering Invitation – Your invitation to join like-minded members and Ronan at the annual RETA get-together (RETA Lifetime ONLY)…
  • The Gathering Video Recordings – If you can’t attend The Gathering in-person you don’t have to miss out (RETA Lifetime ONLY)
  • Your Smart Money Homes Personal Liaison – Get hand-holding and personal guidance from a team that’s already helped hundreds of folks buy real estate overseas (RETA Lifetime ONLY)
  • The Legacy Advantage – Gift complimentary RETA memberships to your family members (RETA Lifetime ONLY)…
  • And, instead of paying the regular $999 per year membership fee, you save thousands of dollars by paying $749 one-time-only for lifetime access to RETA...

Dear Real Estate Trend Alert Member,

RETA Lifetime is the best-value level of membership there is.

Upgrading now you will save thousands of dollars in RETA membership fees (up to $9,999 after ten years based on the regular membership fee of $999 per year).

So upgrading just makes good economic sense.


Your membership is worth way more than saving a few thousand dollars.

You see…

Add the developer discounts you get on RETA members-only deals and your savings could total tens of thousands of dollars…

Add potential profits made from RETA members-only deals and your net worth could grow significantly…

Then add on top of that the lifestyle benefit you and your loved ones get from owning luxury real estate in exotic locations …

Plus my most up to date market analysis, research reports, books, and more…

Your invitation to The Gathering, our annual event ONLY for Lifetime Members…

And it’s easy to justify charging $10,000 or more for RETA Lifetime membership.

So why then, am I only asking you pay $749 today?

As you know, a rising tide raises all boats and with RETA, the more members there are, the bigger and better deals we get access to…

That’s because when you become a RETA Lifetime member, you add to our overall group-buying power which we can use as leverage when negotiating new deals.

I want to return the favor, by letting you join RETA Lifetime for what is a ridiculously low membership fee.

Consider everything you’re getting…

First, when you join RETA Lifetime through this special invitation, you get all the regular benefits of RETA, including:

  • RETA Members-Only Deals
  • Your Monthly RETA Issue
  • Flash Alerts
  • Regular Email Updates
  • RETA Concierge

But then there’s the exclusive lifetime perks no one else gets…

Your Invitation to The Gathering

Due to overwhelming demand, I’ve been forced to make
The Gathering a lifetime-only event…

It’s called The Gathering and is unlike other events because it’s a close and intimate affair limited to just 250 people.

The big idea is for you to get as much facetime as possible with myself, the experts from my network and your fellow RETA members.

Tickets aren’t priced to make money. All I ask is you help cover costs of renting the hotel meeting space, food and drinks, etc.

The low-price and very-limited number of seats mean The Gathering sells out fast every year.

Tickets for The Gathering this February 20 to 22 in Playa del Carmen, Mexico sold out in a couple of days.

In fact, seats are in such high-demand I recently decided to make it a lifetime-only event…

This means from now on, you have to be a RETA Lifetime member to even get invited to The Gathering.

Regular RETA members can no longer attend.

Unfortunately, I have to do this to keep The Gathering a small and close-knit get-together.

Having thousands of attendees devalues the biggest benefit of going, and that’s spending quality time with the real estate experts there and your fellow RETA Lifetime members.

Plus, it’s become a tradition to announce a brand-new deal at The Gathering, and attendees hear about it before anyone else.

For example, at The Gathering in 2019 attendees learned about condos they could buy in Akumal for $178,000. By May of 2022 one of these condos sold for $400,000.

That’s a more than double your money in less than two and a half years.

And at The Gathering in 2022 I told attendees about a new opportunity called Punta Laguna in Playa del Carmen…

Attendees were first to hear about this, and had a chance to watch a speaker presentation from José Ramon Contijoch who works for the developer, and even visit the site on the edge of downtown.

Attendees could buy two-bedroom condos right there and then at The Gathering from only $228,600. Today, two-bedroom condos in Punta Laguna start from $326,545.

That’s an increase of nearly $100,000!

So as you can see, The Gathering invitation alone makes RETA Lifetime membership priceless.

By way of disclosure, my company, Pangaea Ltd., may get advertising fees on the deals I pass along to Real Estate Trend Alert members.

Watch and listen to Gathering attendees talk about their awesome experience…

And if for whatever reason you can’t attend The Gathering, you’ll get access to the video recordings as soon as they’re ready.

And even if you do attend, the content is usually so good it’s worth rewatching a couple of times to let it really sink in.

But remember, you can’t access these videos until you join RETA Lifetime

Keep reading and I’ll tell you how to do that today for a one-time-only payment of just $749.

First, let me tell you about another exclusive benefit only available to RETA Lifetime members…

Your Smart Money Homes Personal Liaison…

Mariana and Viviana of the Smart Money Homes team have helped hundreds of RETA members buy overseas…

Smart Money Homes is a full service team of advisors that intimately learn the fine details of RETA members-only opportunities in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Belize and Nicaragua to help you lockdown your dream property when the time comes.

They are also first to know when there’s some availability in a recent or past deals. This happens from time to time, a few condos become available here or there because of dropouts.

Just tell them what real estate you’re looking for and they can see if anything is available.

And if something comes across their desk they know you’ll like…they will tip you off.

It means you can swoop in and pick up a screaming deal.

Passing on details of deals and opportunities is only a part of what your SMH Personal Liaison will do. They are a one-stop source of advice and guidance. They’ll talk you through your floorplans, a community’s masterplan, its location, the developer’s track record…

They’ll go above and beyond to answer all your questions, advise on payment plans…

Join RETA Lifetime today and you’ll get details on how to consult with your SMH Liaison and put them on the trail of killer real estate deals for you.

This personal touch would normally be a service worth many thousands of dollars per year.

But for you, it’s just another complimentary and exclusive benefit of your RETA Lifetime membership.

But that’s still not all…

Your Legacy Advantage…

The Legacy Advantage is simply about sharing the wealth with your loved ones…

As a RETA Lifetime member you can gift RETA membership to immediate family members. Invite your spouse, siblings or children. Anyone you think would benefit from RETA.

I decided to create the Legacy Advantage after noticing many young faces in the crowd at The Gathering. These were RETA members’ kids, coming to learn the ropes and involve themselves in the family’s investments.

It makes sense. Real estate is the ultimate legacy investment. It can secure a family’s wealth for generations.

I’m a real estate investor because my mother and father were before me. Now, I’m making it easy for you to gift your immediate family members with this powerful and profitable know how you get as a RETA member.

Just let Matt or Dave at your RETA Concierge know and they’ll sign up your family member for a 100% complimentary RETA membership.

No strings attached. No credit card needed.

I trust your judgement on who you invite…

Which is why you inherently understand the amazing value RETA Lifetime offers…

Why RETA Lifetime…

Beyond all the extra benefits and perks, and the thousands of dollars saved on membership fees, the tens of thousands saved on the real estate deals, and potential significant profits…

Perhaps the biggest reason to join RETA Lifetime is because investing in real estate is long-term, it's the best way to create generational wealth.

I’m talking about the kind of wealth that outlives you, your kids and even your grandkids.

The ultra-wealthy have known this all-along…

Like the British royal family that owns a $25 billion real estate portfolio dating all the way back to 1066…

Or billionaire retail tycoon Marshall Field who said “Buying real estate is the best way, the quickest way, and the safest way to become wealthy.”

In fact, in 2019 The Quarterly Journal of Economics published a monumental study called The Rate of Return on Everything, 1870 to 2015

The team of researchers looked at the return of stocks, bonds, treasury bills and real estate over a nearly 145-year period…

Crunching data from all the way back to when Ulysses S. Grant was president up until 2015.

What they discovered was the best performing investment over that nearly 145-year period was…

NOT treasury bills…

NOT bonds…

NOT even stocks…

But real estate.

So while I aim to find you deals that double your money in 5 years, the biggest real estate returns often come after 10 years… 20 years… and even longer…

That’s because when your mortgage or financing (your biggest holding cost) is paid-off, your profits are supercharged.

When a Path of Progress decades in the making has lifted real estate values, your profits are supercharged…

I still own my first-ever real estate investment (an apartment I bought over twenty-five years ago) for this very reason.

The rental checks are essentially free money for me now. Going straight to my retirement nest-egg.

And when I finally retire, those checks will keep on coming.

In fact, I’ll own a portfolio of prized real estate making myself and my family measurably richer every day.

If we’re on the same page here, then you’ll appreciate how valuable lifetime access to RETA is…

You’ll never risk being cut-off because your credit card on file expired or you missed an email asking to renew your membership.

You’ll never miss out on a potentially lifechanging deal…

For all this you pay just $749 today. One time and one time only. That’s it. That unlocks unlimited access to RETA for life.

Remember, you’ll get all the regular RETA benefits too…

  • RETA Members-Only Deals -- Get access to exclusive real estate deals around the world, with the chance to get in before the public and for a lot less than what the public will pay…
  • Your Monthly RETA Issue -- The monthly RETA issue is a regular meaty read of insights, strategies, ideas and opportunities discovered from my 20+years experience as a globetrotting real estate investor…
  • Flash Alerts -- You’ll also get quick-fire alerts on special situations. One-time-only deals where inventory is extremely limited and you need to act extra fast to take advantage…
  • Regular Email Updates -- Plus you’ll get regular email updates from myself and the RETA team if we’re on the road scouting somewhere, or if there’s something exciting to share…
  • RETA Concierge – Matt and Dave are available to give you VIP-level service if you need help anytime and with anything, from logging into the members-only website to finding investment properties on the RETA beat…

PLUS, you’ll get all these exclusive RETA Lifetime members-only benefits…

  • The Gathering (Lifetime Only) – I keep our annual get-together small so you can maximize your time with fellow attendees and expert speakers. That’s why there are only 250 spaces and only Lifetime members are invited.
  • The Gathering Video Recordings (Lifetime Only) – If you can’t make The Gathering in-person then you’ll at least be able to watch the video recordings on the RETA members-only website.
  • Your Smart Money Homes Personal Liaison (Lifetime Only) – This is an experienced real estate professional looking out for RETA deals you’ve shown interest in. They’ll be first to know about availability of inventory you’re interested in.
  • The Legacy Advantage (Lifetime Only) – Ultimately, real estate is the best investment for creating generational wealth. That’s why, when you join RETA Lifetime you can invite family to join RETA 100% complimentary so you can all grow rich together…

All for a One-Time-Only Fee of Just $749

The regular price is $999 per year for membership to RETA.

That’s $4,995 over five years.

Over ten years, it’s $9,990.

But upgrade to RETA Lifetime and you won’t ever pay that…

Instead, all you pay is $749 just once and that’s it.

There are no hidden fees or extra charges or “maintenance fees”.

So you stand to save thousands of dollars over the years…

Take a look…

Membership Timeline

Total Cost

1 Year


2 Years


3 Years


4 Years


5 Years


10 Years


15 Years


20 Years


30 Years


Why pay more than you have to?

Paying the regular membership fee of $999 per year, you’d pay $9,990 after ten years… $19,980 after twenty years… and $29,970 after thirty years…

Or, you could just pay $750 once for lifetime access to Real Estate Trend Alert.

And remember, your Legacy Advantage means you can share your RETA membership with family members and even pass it on through generations.

So it’s worth keeping your membership active for twenty years, thirty years and even longer.

Sure, in the grand scheme of things saving $999 every year is not a lifechanging amount of money. But it’s still better in your pocket than in mine. Put it towards buying real estate abroad…

Like I already said, real estate is a long-term investment. The biggest gains come over decades, not years.

The bigger value of RETA Lifetime is making that commitment to persistent and patient wealth building.

Understanding that while most folks are trying to hit the jackpot with the next A.I. stock or crypto, you’re quietly buying up the world’s best asset and getting rich slowly, but surely.

And because you’re a RETA Lifetime member, I’ll be by your side on the journey, and so will your fellow members…

You’ll have never-ending access to new investment opportunities…

And you’ll have never-ending access to every resource my team and I produce…

Best of all, you’ll have the chance to meet like-minded members on the same journey as you at events like The Gathering

HURRY! You Might Not Get Another Chance to Join and Another Chance at Lifechanging Profits…

I only open the doors to RETA Lifetime membership a few times a year. So if you miss this opportunity to join, then you could be waiting a while.

That won’t do. Not when there’s so much at stake.

The best real estate opportunities are rarer than diamonds.

There is a finite amount of land to build on and demand for prized destinations will never wane.

Forget about snagging deals in Miami Beach or San Diego…

But look beyond the borders, to Los Cabos in Mexico, or the Costa del Sol in Spain…

And you can still find deep value, for now.

You can still get in before critical mass, for now…

Before the opportunity is gone for good…

Point is, the sooner you begin, the sooner you reap the benefits.

With that in mind, I strongly urge you to join RETA Lifetime today. Right now.

I truly believe it’s the best $749 you’ll ever spend.

In fact, I’m so confident of that, I’m going to make joining RETA Lifetime an even bigger no-brainer…


What good is a lifetime membership without a guarantee to match?

That’s why I’m offering you a Lifetime Moneyback Guarantee.

Listen, I want to keep your money. But I want to earn it.

I know a never-ending guarantee is pretty unheard of, but it keeps myself and my team working overtime to deliver the best research for you and your fellow RETA Lifetime members.

So if you think our standards have slipped and we’re not overdelivering for you…

Whether that’s next week, next year, or next decade…

You can claim every cent of your $749 back. No questions.

Of course, I don’t expect you ever will cancel. That’s why I’m confident in making you this offer.

As you probably know, my company Pangaea Ltd. may earn advertising fees on the deals I pass along to RETA members.

So it means I am committed to bringing you the absolute best real estate deals in the world. Simply put, the survival of  my business depends on it.

Plus, I’m my own worst critic and I have a big ego when it comes to the work me and my team put out. I think it’s the best research of its kind, and we’re continually working to make it even better. I hope you think the same…

That’s why when you join RETA Lifetime, your satisfaction is guaranteed for life.

Sound fair?

Then here’s what to do now…

Simply complete the secure form below and upgrade your membership to RETA Lifetime

Pay $749 now and then never pay again for unrestricted and unlimited access to Real Estate Trend Alert for life.

If you have any further questions, our team is available now. Please don't hesitate to call us at 800.377.0680.

Or to book a call with our Concierge team, click here and select a time that's convenient for you.



Ronan McMahon

March 2025

Secure Order Form


Step #1: Confirm Your Order

RETA Lifetime

Price: USD $ 749.00

Your RETA Lifetime Membership means you’ll always be connected. You’ll always have the story nobody else is getting. You’ll never miss out on a members-only deal. For all this and more you pay a one-time membership of fee $749.00 today and that’s it.

Step #2: Enter Your Email Address

Step #3: Enter Your Name & Billing Address

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Order Summary

Cart Subtotal: USD $749.00

Qty: 1

Order Total: USD $749.00

*Order maybe subject to tax

Step #4: Enter Your Payment Information

