From Millionaire Real Estate Investor and Bestselling Author…
Dear Reader,
25 years.
That’s how long it’s taken me to write this book.
It’s my life’s work…
EVERYTHING I know about making money from real estate…
From buying luxury properties for pocket change and selling for big profits…
To turning properties into income machines that make money while you sleep…
But most of all, this book is about using real estate to live a truly free and fulfilling life…
Ronan McMahon,
Millionaire real estate investor
and bestselling author
It’s called Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing and I want to send you a print copy ABSOLUTELY FREE.
All I ask is you cover the small shipping fee of $5.97.
I’ll tell you why I’m giving my book away shortly.
What types of real estate you can buy through your 401(k) or IRA…
If your nest egg is at the mercy of underperforming and overcharging mutual funds, I urge you to skip ahead to page 210 as soon as you get my book…
When it’s okay to charge LESS rent…
Sometimes charging less can actually make you more money. Read about this strange but true strategy on page 166…
The “Margarita Mistake” so many first-timers make (which costs them tens of thousands)…
See page 228…
Whether you’ve invested in real estate before or not…
Whether you’re already rich or still on your journey…
You and your bank account will benefit when you read my new book.
Here’s the craziest part!
Even though real estate is the world’s biggest and most important asset class…
By far!
Valued more than all the world’s stock markets and all world’s bond markets…
I’d bet 99.9% of Americans don’t know these secrets.
That’s a real shame because with stocks spluttering and inflation soaring, there’s never been a better time to know what’s in my brand-new book…
Real estate is the world’s biggest asset class…
But..why do so few people know how to get rich from it?
That’s because real estate is “Old Reliable…”
The best way to protect and grow your wealth…
And live a life you and your loved ones deserve…
Hands down!
Like billionaire retail tycoon Marshall Field said…
“Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy.”
When it comes to making money, I’m not going to argue with a billionaire…
Are you!?
"The reason that some people become rich and others do not become rich…”
According to Rich Dad, Poor Robert Kiyosaki this single secret makes the biggest difference and that’s why I’ve devoted an entire chapter to using this secret on page 198…
The Five Rs of Real Estate Investing…
...this simple little formula has helped me and others make tens of millions in real estate profits… See page 80…
The worst real estate investment I ever made…
This costly and embarrassing blunder taught me a valuable lesson about real estate investing… Read page 19 if you don’t want to make the same mistake!
But perhaps my biggest and most profitable secret of them all is one that’s been purposefully kept from you…
Closely guarded by the wealthy and well-connected…
I discovered it the hard way, when I was a broke student…
Back then, the insiders laughed at me…
But now, they’re cursing me because I’m sharing real estate’s dirtiest (and most profitable) secret with regular folks.
Keep reading and I’ll share it with you right here on this webpage.
So even if you miss out on one of the 500 FREE copies of my brand-new book, you’re not leaving empty-handed…
I don’t own stocks…
Or crypto…
Virtually all of my money is in real estate.
But it wasn’t always this way…
After the dotcom boom and bust…
After watching my bank account balloon and then almost blow-up…
All within the space of a couple of years…
That’s when I swore off stocks.
Making money shouldn’t be a rollercoaster ride.
So I quit trying to get rich quick and went “all in” on real estate.
You see, real estate might not be the fastest way to get rich (winning the lottery is!)…
But it is the surest way to get rich.
And that’s not my opinion.
Nor is marketing hype.
It’s just the plain truth!
And when you claim your FREE copy of Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Real Estate Investing, you’ll see real estate’s awesome wealth-building power for yourself.
How to make eight times your money in six years…
..This secret is on page 200 of my new book…
How I predicted the housing bubble and profited anyway…
..When U.S. real estate was crashing in 2008 I was actually making money with the uncanny property investment I reveal on page 63…
The real estate secret of America’s first multi-millionaire…
...few folks know the true story of New York City’s “founding father” and his stupidly simple way of making winning real estate investments… See page 69…
The world’s tycoons have known about the wealth-building power of real estate for centuries…
For example, America’s very first billionaire, Andrew Carnegie, famously said:
“Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than all industrial investments combined. The wise young man or wage earner today invests his money in real estate.”
In fact, some of America’s finest real estate still carries the wise man’s name, like Carnegie Hall in New York City.
And while America’s first multi-millionaire, John Jacob Astor, is known as a fur trader…
He was also a voracious real estate investor.
He made so much money in the 1800s, that by 1912, Astor’s GREAT-GRANDSON inherited the world’s largest personal fortune.
Talk about leaving a legacy!
And long before Carnegie and long before Astor…
Way back in 1066…
The British royal family’s $18.2 billion real estate fortune goes back to 1066 when William the Conqueror invaded England
Nearly 1,000 years ago…
The ancestors of Britain’s royal family started a real estate investment fund that’s worth a whopping $18.2 billion today.
And 177 members of the most recent Forbes World’s Billionaires list made their money from real estate.
In fact, tech tycoon Bill Gates owns more of a niche type of real estate than any other person in the States (more below).
Bottom-line: Throughout history, the wealthy have instinctively known what new research now proves…
In 2019 The Quarterly Journal of Economics published a monumental study called The Rate of Return on Everything, 1870 to 2015.
The team of researchers looked at the return of stocks, bonds, treasury bills and real estate over a nearly 150-year period…
Crunching data from all the way back to when Ulysses S. Grant was president up until 2015.
What they discovered was the best performing investment over that nearly 150-year period was…
NOT treasury bills…
NOT bonds…
NOT even stocks…
But (drum roll please!)…
So why is this the first time you’re hearing about this study?
You’d think the discovery of the greatest investment over the last 150 years would be a newsworthy event…
This is for sure something every single investor should know.
Yet search the online archives of The New York Times… CNN… Even the Wall Street Journal…
And you won’t find any mention of it anywhere.
Search for this study on the New York Times
website and you get “0 results”…
And why is there no mention of this on CNN’s website?
You can’t even find this on the Wall Street Journal’s website?
Now I’m no conspiracy quack, but when the Wall Street Journal is seemingly ignoring the biggest investment story of our time…
I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s a bit strange.
I’ll let you make up your own mind about their motives, but ignoring the study doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Fact is, from 1870 to 2015…
Real estate was the world’s most profitable investment.
See for yourself…
Are Wall Street stock slingers terrified of this graph?
Now, would you argue against 150 years of proof?
But like I said, you probably didn’t see the mainstream media report this…
Not even the financial media…
So let me do their job for ‘em again:
From 1850 to 2015, the best-performing investment was real estate and NOT stocks.
And here it is, ripped straight out of the study, word-for-word:
“The first key finding is that residential real estate, not equity, has been the best long-run investment over the course of modern history.”
Now, you might be thinking the difference between real estate (7.05% per year) and stocks (6.89% per year) is small…
But remember, that’s the average return over a single year.
Over five years, ten years and more, that small difference turns into a sizeable chunk of extra cash.
For example, according to the findings from the study…
$10,000 would’ve grown to $15.7m invested in stocks.
But in real estate, your $10,000 would be $19.5 million.
That’s a 24% boost on your returns from real estate!
But that’s not the only shocker this study discovered…
Reading the study you’ll also see…
Although returns on housing and equities are similar, the volatility of housing returns is substantially lower…This finding appears to contradict one of the basic tenets of modern valuation models: higher risks should come with higher rewards.”
Despite what you have been told your entire life, there is such a thing as low-risk, high-reward investment…
It’s called “real estate”!
This is an absolute bombshell finding. I bet Wall Street hopes the fewer people that know about this the better!
But the data can’t be denied…
In fact, you’ve probably known it all along…
Real estate gives you the highest-reward with lowest-risk…
The HOLY GRAIL of investing!
Just by simply investing in real estate you’re giving yourself a better chance of getting richer…
Now use the secrets you’ll learn in my book, and it’s like strapping a jet-engine to a Ferrari!
What history’s best-defended city can teach you about successful real estate investing…
Dubrovnik’s ancient city walls were never penetrated by invading forces. The reason why could make you a better investor (it worked for Warren Buffett!) … See page 95…
The “Sam’s Club Secret” to big real estate discounts…
Folks I’ve shared this secret with have already paid as much as $55,000 LESS than retail when buying prime property (and the less you pay, the bigger your profits!)… See page 135…
How a simple photograph can add thousands of dollars in rental income…
Airbnb used this secret to DOUBLE their business, and it’s something easy every real estate investor should do right now. See page 175…
I’ll tell you how to claim your FREE copy of my brand-new book very soon, so you can read all of this and more.
First, I want to remind you that because I’m working with a small, independent publisher, I have only 500 print copies to give away today…
So I want to make sure you’re actually going to use the secrets inside to change your life, just like I have…
You see, making all this money is simply a means to an end.
While some Scrooges get their kicks from counting their money…
For me, it’s what you do with your money that counts…
Imagine the comfort and security an extra $1,000 every month gives you…
Or how about an extra $3,000 every month!
Perhaps you collect a big six-figure windfall…
Of course, getting here requires a little patience and an investment (though not as much as you might think)…
But as you’ve seen, with real estate, and with my new book, it’s entirely possible…
What would that mean to you?
Maybe you quit the 9 to 5 and do something you’ve always dreamt of doing…
Go hiking in the Himalayas, sip real coffee on the cobbled streets of Rome or drink rum at Hemingway’s bar in Havana…
Maybe you disappear to the beaches of Costa Rica and stick your toes in the sand, on a permanent vacation…
Or do what I do and play golf while everyone else works!
Point is, the choice is yours.
Thanks to the real estate secrets I’m sharing in my brand-new book, I spend at least six months of the year traveling…
Going to new places, seeing new things…
Embarking on new adventures.
Thanks to the real estate secrets I’m sharing in my brand-new book, I spend at least six months of the year traveling…
Many of the folks I’ve shared my secrets with love traveling too.
But maybe you prefer relaxing at home, and spending a lazy afternoon on the golf course.
Point is, real estate gives you the freedom to do whatever you please because it’s the best and surest way I know to make money.
Of course, the uber-rich would prefer you stay in the office, working ten hours a day to put more money in their pockets, which they then invest in real estate and get even richer…
The champagne. The yachts. The endless summers. Now it’s your turn to live the lavish, worry-free lifestyle…
Because I’m sharing my best real estate investing secrets with you right now…
Imagine owning property in Florida right as Henry Flagler was transforming it from a swamp into a tourism juggernaut…
Like horticulturist R.R. McCormick who built his Florida cottage in 1886 for $40,000.
In 1893—just seven years later—Flagler paid $75,000 for the property…
That’s nearly $2.5 million in today’s money!
Not a bad payday for a horticulturist.
Or how about owning a brownstone in Brooklyn before the hipsters (with mommy and daddy’s credit card) started moving in…
The flood of millennial “hipsters” into Brooklyn let investors triple their money. Similar opportunities still exist around, the world you just need to know where to look…
From 2006 to 2016, real estate prices nearly tripled in Brooklyn, going from $320 to $908 per square foot.
While you might think these opportunities to double and triple your money have passed you by…
Look around the world and you can see similar transformations repeating, giving you a second chance at getting rich from them.
Just over the border, on Mexico’s Riviera Maya, a tourism juggernaut is barreling down the coast.
But instead of a Rich tycoon like Henry Flagler, it was the Mexican government that kickstarted the transformation…
It started with an airport and hotels in Cancun…
By 2007, Playa del Carmen was the fastest growing city in Latin America.
Had you spotted the same patterns that played out in Florida one hundred years before, you could have quadrupled your money or more.
If it sounds simple, that’s because it is!
For example, in 2013 I wrote to a group of my readers recommending condos in downtown Playa del Carmen from $136,500.
By 2020, those same condos were listed for $237,000.
That’s a potential gain of over $100,000 simply by buying ahead of the development mega-boom happening on Mexico’s Riviera Maya.
Claim your FREE copy of my new book, Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing and I’ll show you where these mega transformations are happening right now…
And how you can invest in them to make life-changing money.
When you flip through the pages of my book, you’ll discover…
Now, applying these secrets from my new book would be enough to create generational wealth…
The kind of money that puts your grandkids through college.
But buckle up because we’re just getting started!
Get your hands on one of the 500 books available today, and you’ll also discover…
Warren Buffett said “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
That’s why I love real estate…
It’s one of the best investments for making big money while you sleep.
And unlike dividends, where your income potential is at the mercy of a greedy CEO…
Or US treasuries, paid by a bankrupt government with printed money…
Real estate puts you in control.
And just a little know-how can make a significant difference…
Whether you make $1,000 per month…
Or $2,000 per month…
Or $20,000…
Whether you have to be hands on…
Or be totally passive…
The choice is yours.
That’s because making maximum income with minimum effort is often down to just a few small but significant needle movers.
You’ll see for yourself, when you read chapter 8 of my brand-new book and discover:
When you’re no longer trading your time for money…
Like most of the working stiffs stuck on the hamster wheel…
When you’re making money as you sleep…
Or as you work on your golf swing…
That’s true financial freedom.
Real estate can help you get there faster and more surely than any other investment…
In fact, my next secret means you could retire right now…
I recently turned down a potential $600,000 for my condo in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico…
It was a chance to nearly double my money…
But I politely declined.
You see, my condo in Cabo is worth much, much more to me.
That’s because it’s part of something bigger…
What I consider my best-ever secret.
Here it is…
Watching the whales from my balcony in Cabo, I came up with an ingenious new way almost anyone can retire right now…
In short, I’ve created a way to live like a jet-set billionaire…
Living a life most people envy…
Visiting the world’s best vacation destinations…
And make enough income to fund it all, without working and without fear of running out of money.
I know this sounds too good to be true…
But I’m doing this myself.
I know a small handful of people doing something similar.
Though I’ve never seen anyone else mention this strategy, ever…
I call it my “Endless Vacation” strategy because it was created from my want for perfect weather year-round…
Being able to walk on the beach every morning…
And play golf in the afternoon…
With long, pleasant evenings to enjoy dinner with friends and family…
This isn’t a pure investment play, but rather a way of funding what I consider the perfect lifestyle…
But depending on how you set this up, it could be very profitable for you too.
I explain all on page 151 of my new book, PLUS…
By now, I’m sure you can’t wait to get your hands on a FREE copy of Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing…
Patience, friend. I’m about to tell you.
First, I have to fulfill my promise to you and reveal what I believe is the biggest secret in real estate…
The very best real estate investments aren’t found looking through a broker’s window or surfing the internet…
That’s because the wealthy and well-connected keep the biggest moneymaking opportunities all to themselves.
It’s true…
And it’s 100% legal.
In a rare mainstream expose of this shady practice, The New York Post reported that:
“When Manhattan’s ritziest new mansions in the sky hit the market at 220 Central Park South, there was no fanfare. There were no lavish broker parties or full-page ads in the New York Times. In fact, nobody even knew that the apartments were up for grabs — except for a group of insiders.”
The New York Times reported on this phenomenon too…
“No open houses, no advertising and not a single online photo. And yet a $27 million town house on the Upper East Side and an $850,000 two-bedroom co-op in Lower Manhattan had no problem finding buyers in the past six months. Neither home was listed on the open market.”
What’s happening?
Simply this:
The rich get access to sweetheart deals simply because they’re rich…
For example, using this secret a tech entrepreneur nearly doubled his money in a single year…
And over a twenty-year period, one man made more than 7x his money, turning $2 million into $15 million…
All forbidden real estate deals you never had a chance at!
But now, I’m blowing the lid on this shady practice helping regular folks use this secret to…
The final and perhaps most valuable chapter in brand-new book is dedicated to this one powerful secret.
It’s a way to level the playing field and get on the “inside”…
To access opportunities you normally wouldn’t have had access to.
Real estate investor Kevin B. who I already shared this secret with told me:
“I have been nothing but amazed. I really believe this is going to change not only my life, but the future of my three children also.”
You’ll learn exactly how to use this secret and the many more I’ve mentioned in your FREE copy of Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing.
Let’s get to it!
There is a small catch to this special offer, but I think it’s one you’re really going to like…
In exchange for getting my book FREE (you pay just a small shipping fee), I’d like you to give my service Real Estate Trend Alert a FREE 30-day try-out…
With the world rapidly changing, there are always new opportunities to make you richer…
And new dangers to dodge…
With Real Estate Trend Alert membership you’re getting my most up to date, real-time research and recommendations.
With my own expansive network of experts and scouts…
With a team constantly traveling the world, in search of your next big winner…
You get eyes and ears on the ground in places like Mexico, Panama, Portugal, Thailand and more…
All told, maintaining this global network costs over $1m every year.
But for the next 30 days, it’s FREE for you, the perfect companion to my new book.
Simply tryout the service and then decide if it’s for you or not.
Hi Ronan. I’m still new to Real Estate Trend Alert but am impressed with the quality and content of the deals you are presenting… your track-record seems solid. I like the straight-forward approach and boots-on-the-ground scouting. You can’t do this stuff sitting behind a computer.
— Mike M.
Provides great insight and to real estate projects at discounted prices.
— Bob K
Learned a lot about different countries and opportunities.
— David McD
Amazing opportunities, great service, wealth of information.
— Darlene R.
Learned a lot about different countries and opportunities.
— David McD.
Very much impressed with your info about Riviera Maya properties and am reading everything you put out concerning Costa Rica. RETA is a viable source of valuable information.
— Loris P.
I could not have sourced these deals without Ronan and RETA. It has added stability to my overall portfolio in that it has been very steady with value and rental income… At first I was skeptical of Ronan’s optimistic valuations, but many deals have turned out better than he predicted.
— Chet C.
RETA lets me know that there are real opportunities out there.
— Paul Q.
— Grant D.
I have peace of mind from diversifying into international properties as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations. Money placed beyond the reach of government. In great locations, too, that I would appreciated spending some time (be it for vacation and/or retirement base).
— Julian Y.
Hi Ronan. I’m still new to Real Estate Trend Alert but am impressed with the quality and content of the deals you are presenting… your track-record seems solid. I like the straight-forward approach and boots-on-the-ground scouting. You can’t do this stuff sitting behind a computer.
— Mike M.
The buying power of RETA allows members to get a great deal on beautiful properties.
— Brett H.
I expect great returns and growth.
— Mickey M.
RETA is great if you love to travel and are interested in living and investing overseas, especially in light of what’s happening in the US. It can open a world of possibilities and adventure to you.
— Tessa A.
Introduction to the best projects in diversity of markets, with best developer financing.
— Fran M.
Very happy with RETA. Trustworthy and exciting.
— Hans K.
You provide a very robust number of opportunities and do a great job of explaining them. You provide a great deal of background rational for why to invest and the presentation of materials is first class.
— Robert N.
Helps with confidence in the authenticity of the deal. There really are people out there that do this successfully.
— Deana D.
Ronan provides a great service. I like the metrics he uses and the goals of solid rental appreciation and above average appreciation.
— John M.
We get lots of enjoyment travelling the world with Ronan and his team. The RETA deals seem pretty hands off and seem to have pretty good returns. The group buying discount is also pretty sweet.
— David D.
Tremendously enjoy RETA and the valuable info. Excellent and informative.
— Susan McD
Very fast ROI passive income and capital appreciation.
— Johnathan W.
RETA has taught me how profitable real estate can be when you’re connected to true insiders and get in early.
— Jeffery W.
I have recommended RETA to multiple friends and family members.
— Paul McD
Listen, investing in real estate takes a little more effort than buying a stock…
It isn’t a “get-rich-quick” strategy (what truly is?)…
And it won’t make you a millionaire overnight.
That might seem obvious, but with only 500 FREE copies of my book available today…
I don’t want my book to end up in the wrong hands…
Only to gather dust on your shelf, while someone serious misses out.
So if your idea of “investing” is rolling all your life-savings into the newest investment fad, then feel free to pass on this offer…
On the other hand…
If you’re willing to take a little action…
And if you’re willing to be patient…
All for the chance to create a real estate portfolio that creates long-lasting and life-changing wealth…
That makes you richer as you sleep, as you travel the world, as you pursue passions you’ve been forced to put off until now…
And for a seven or eight-figure legacy your kids, grandkids and great grandkids can even benefit from…
Then, I believe my new book can be your kickstart and your blueprint for achieving all of that and much more.
Everything inside, I have used myself to be in a position to retire—if I wanted—but I’m having too much fun helping people like you join me…
Even better, I’m going to give you three valuable bonuses to help you get on the road to riches even faster…
I’ve just released my newest recommendation to Real Estate Trend Alert members, and you’ll get instant access to it when you start your 30-day trial today…
Walk off the street and into the sales office here, and you’ll be lucky to see anything of this quality for sale for under $500,000.
But because of Real Estate Trend Alert’s reputation and credibility, the developer has agreed to an incredibly-low buy price just for us…
You can buy a luxury two-bedroom condo here, by the first hole of the Nick Price designed golf course, from only $228,600.
It’s a chance to make $141,400 in capital gains three years after delivery…
Plus, yearly rental income of up to $36,500…
By owning in a brand-new golf community right on the Caribbean Sea.
So on top of your huge profit potential, you’re buying a place you’ll enjoy spending time at yourself…
Spend the morning walking the white sand beaches of the Caribbean…
Late afternoon is tee-time on the Nick Price designed golf course (the clubhouse and first hole are right on your doorstep)…
Then in the evening you can walk downtown for dinner, drinks and dancing…
What other investment lets you do this?
With potential rental income of $36,500 per year, your condo by this beach could be a key part of your retirement plan…
Well it gets even better…
It’s typically very hard for foreign buyers to get financing in this country, but not when you’re a RETA member.
Once again, I’ve leveraged the world-renowned reputation of RETA to lock-in developer financing for members.
Everything, from where to buy, what type of real estate to buy, how much to pay, even financing…
You simply review my research and decide if the deal is right for you or not.
But remember, this deal is exclusively for RETA members only.
It’s all been taken care of.
This “Hidden Chapter” isn’t in my book…
The only way to access it is when you take advantage of this special offer today, right here on this webpage.
I’ll tell you how to do that in just a moment, but first, let me tell about the other FREE gifts coming your way for acting on this offer…
Bill Gates owns more of this asset than any other private individual in America…REFERENCE: iii
So far he’s invested $690m and is still buying more!
His billionaire pal Warren Buffet says there’s “no downside and potentially substantial upside” investing in this.
And according to Barron’s, this single asset:
“…performs well in inflationary environments, delivers stable returns over long holding periods, and exhibits low correlation to financial assets.”
I’m talking about a niche type of real estate investment, that in the U.S. has averaged 11.2% per year over the last 25 years…
Over the same time, stocks have returned just 9.6% and with TWICE the volatility!
Here’s the thing…
Future profits could far outpace anything seen before because as the population grows, this niche type of real estate will be in even more demand…
It is literally essential for the sustainability of human life on Earth.
Over the last 25 years this niche type of real estate has outperformed stocks with less volatility…
In my special report I’m recommending you look beyond the U.S. for this niche type of real estate…
To a country dubbed “The Switzerland of South America” by the New York Times.
That’s because this little country is safe, stable and very welcoming to foreign investors…
It’s the wealthiest and most democratic in all of South America and even scores better than the U.S. on corruption.
Better yet, if you make less than $250,000 per year from the niche type of real estate I reveal in your special bonus report…
You could pay as little as 2% tax!
I’ve already discovered exactly where to buy this real estate, and who to buy it from…
Everything is revealed in your special bonus report “The Niche Real Estate Investment That Protects Against Inflation, Beats Stocks and Saves the World!”
Simply claim your FREE copy of Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing today, and you’ll also get instant access to this special bonus report.
But that’s still not all…
Since the start of the pandemic, 50 million Americans have been liberated from the office…
They can now live and work from wherever they want.
(You might be one of them).
It’s one of the biggest societal shifts of the century…
The end of the office, and the rise of “Real Estate 2.0”…
Where your home is your office and your office is your home…
Not surprisingly, people are quitting their $3,000 per month studios in places like San Francisco and New York City, and moving far away…
To places like Playa del Carmen in Mexico or Portugal’s Algarve…
On a recent scouting trip to Tulum in Mexico I noticed lots of laptops at the beach club. It’s the “Zoom Boom” in real-life, and it’s a big opportunity for real estate investors…
Places where the same living expenses let you live like a king…
Where you can swap the cramped city studio for a sea view penthouse…
Eat at five-star restaurants every night without breaking the bank…
Enjoy perfect weather year-round…
And spend your working hours at a beach club, with a cold drink by your laptop.
It was a lifestyle once only available to ultra-wealthy entrepreneurs, but now salaried employees can take advantage of it and it’s creating a brand-new real estate investment opportunity…
A chance to make as much as 16% rental yield, with lower holding cost and less hassle than normal.
I lay this opportunity out in full detail in your third FREE bonus report, “Real Estate 2.0”…
And you get instant access when you reserve one of the 500 FREE copies of Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing…
You’re getting a lot of FREE goodies today, so let me back-up and re-cap everything for you…
Let’s sum up everything you’re getting today…
Simply cover the small shipping fee of $5.97 for your print copy of my new book and you’ll get all of this:
After your 30-day trial of Real Estate Trend Alert, do nothing and I’ll automatically sign you up for a regular membership at $99 per quarter (that’s a 60% saving on the retail price of $999 per year).
If, on the off-chance, after reading everything in my book…
After your reading your 3 FREE bonus reports…
And after 30-days of Real Estate Trend Alert…
You’re still not impressed…
No hard feelings.
Just call our customer care team to let them know and you won’t be charged another cent beyond the $5.97 shipping fee you pay today.
With an offer like this, all the risk is on me, and I’m opening myself to be ripped off…
But, I’m willing to do that because I know that once folks give Real Estate Trend Alert a fair try, they don’t look back!
Take it from RETA member Ed Skyler who’s living in paradise because of a real estate deal I recommended…
Remember, because my book is being published by a small and independent publisher, we’re only printing a handful of copies at a time…
Today, I’ve only got 500 to give away on a first come, first served basis.
You won’t find my book on or on the shelves of Barnes & Noble.
You can only get it right here, by clicking the “Reserve Now” link below.
So act fast. Act right now.
Click the “Reserve Now” button below and then input all your details so I know exactly where to send your FREE copy of Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing.
Plus, you’ll get three FREE bonus reports and a FREE 30-day tryout of Real Estate Trend Alert.
I know real estate isn’t as sexy as a tech stock…
Nor is it as thrilling as a crypto or NFT…
But the wealth-building power of real estate is undeniable…
You’ve seen the proof. 150 years worth of proof.
Now, with the secrets I share in my book, you can accelerate real estate’s wealth-building power…
All while minimizing risk and avoiding the mistakes I made.
And perhaps just a few years from now, you could be sitting on a balcony overlooking the Caribbean Sea, with a cold drink in your hand, wondering how you got so lucky…
All thanks to reserving your copy of my brand-new book today.
It’s a bold claim, I know!
But for $5.97 ain’t it worth seeing if I’m for real or not?
All I know that is if you don’t claim your FREE copy of my book, then nothing changes for you today…